
Patapon game
Patapon game

An example of a beat would be square, square, circle, square (Pata, Pata, Pata, Pon!) which commands units to march forward.

patapon game

The units will move across a two dimensional plane, where they will encounter treasures, obstacles, and enemies. There are beats for marching forward, attacking, defending, moving, and many other battlefield actions. A different drum is assigned to each of the face buttons, and a different drum beat will result in different actions. The player takes the role of the commander of the Patapons on their quest, and controls them with the beats of a drum. Patapon 2 is, like its predecessor, a fusion of rhythm and real time strategy games. They must now defeat the Karmen and find out who their real enemy is.

patapon game patapon game

Kraken that easily defeated them and washes them ashore in a strange new land where they meet a new tribe of people called the "Karmen". On their journey, the Patapons are attacked by a Patapon 2 continues from where the original left off: the Patapons have completed construction of their boat and they have set sail for new lands.

Patapon game